NOTE: All times are given as CST, Central Standard Time (GMT -6)
* All film screenings are accessible to the Deaf and hard-of-hearing, using ASL interpreters, or embedded text or captioning.
* All American Sign Language (ASL) programs are captioned, voiced or interpreted in English
12:00-1:00 PM and 7:00-8:00 PM
Constant ~ Poet: Colm Scully & Anton Floyd | Filmmaker: Anton Floyd
Flight ~ Poet: Sarah Tremlett | Filmmaker: Same
Daydreaming of Aliens ~ Poet: Sabina England | Filmmaker: Same
Transforming ~ Poet: Steve Smart | Filmmaker: Same
Sorry I Didn’t Get Home ~ Poet: Helen Dewbery | Filmmaker: Chaucer Cameron
When I Was Clandestine ~ Poet: Ian Gibbins | Filmmaker: Juan Garrido Salgado
Metamorphosis ~ Poet: Estefania Diaz | Filmmaker: Same
Cancer Alley ~ Poet: Pam Falkenberg & Jack Cochran | Filmmaker: Lucy English
1:00-2:00 PM and 8:00-9:00 PM
(Noteworthy) Shilshole ~ Poet: Anna E Seaberg | Filmmaker: Kathryn L Darnell
I believe we are lost ~ Poet: Peter Whittenberger | Filmmaker: Same
Chasing birds ~ Poet: Kelly Xintaris | Filmmaker: Same
The Echo at Coole ~ Poet: Austin Clarke | Filmmaker: Matthew Thompson
In the summer of 2020, we picked berries ~ Poet: Patricia Killelea | Filmmaker: Same
Knifework ~ Poet: Hilary Menos | Filmmaker: Andy Brodie
Pulse pulse pulse ~ Poet: Vanessa Zimmer-Powell | Filmmaker: Same
The Torrid Zone ~ Poet: Tania Haberland | Filmmaker: Carine Iriarte
Knitted Knockers* ~ Poet: Maeve O'Hair | Filmmaker: Same
The 14.27 to London Paddington ~ Poet: Barry Hollow | Filmmaker: Same
Singularity ~ Poet: Marie Howe | Filmmaker: Matthew Thompson
Become ~ Poet: Chelsea Werner-Jatzke | Filmmaker: Max Kraushaar/Chelsea Werner-Jatzke
Ghazal for the diaspora ~ Poet: Faisal Mohyuddin | Filmmaker: Eric Felipe-Barkin
Night Drags ~ Poet: Aogán Ó Rathaille | Filmmaker: Marcella O'Connor
Rain ~ Poet: Aurora Levins Morales | Filmmaker: Mike Hoolboom
This is a love story ~ Poet: Noah J Welter | Filmmaker: Same
(WINNER) Exiles ~ Poet: Corinne Boulad | Filmmaker: Josef Khallouf
(Finalist) Still ~ Poet: Yolanda Movsessian | Filmmaker: Mitchell Collins
Soft with hard coded subtitles ~ Poet: Emily Dickinson | Filmmaker: Anne Ciecko
Scrappy ~ Poet: Donald G Westlake | Filmmaker: Dawn Westlake
(Noteworthy) Each night, an elegy ~ Poet: Kevin Dublin | Filmmaker: Same
* From Co. Tipperary, Maeve O'Hair intended to come to Houston this year for REELpoetry.
A talented poetry practitioner and filmmaker, she sadly succumbed to a 9 year struggle with cancer at the age of 59 a week before the Festival began.
She will be missed by many.
2:00-3:00 PM and 9:00-10:00 PM – Host: Fran Sanders, Festival Director
Audience, poets, filmmakers, curators and presenters are invited to meet together in real time.
12:00-1:00 PM and 7:00-8:00 PM
Self Portrait with a Line from Lorca ~ Poets: Lois P. Jones & Elena K. Byrne | Filmmaker: Janet Lees | Voice: Mónica Zúñiga
Huapango Torero ~ Poet: Jack Cockran excerpted from La Faena by Bruno Enciso | Filmmakers: Pamela Falkenberg & Jack Cockran
A Love Spell Cast In Petals~ Poet: Meriel Lland | Filmmakers: Michael Leath, Meriel Lland, David Lland
Bull/Torro~ Poet: Sarah Tremlett | Filmmaker: Same
1:00-2:00 PM and 8:00-9:00 PM
Seague~ Poet: Stephen Sexton | Filmmaker: Matthew Thompson
Chinatown Dyptich ~ Poet: Jenny Xie | Filmmaker: Jean Coleman
(Finalist) Eve ~ Poet: Meghann Plunkett | Filmmaker: Same
Mare Crisium ~ Poet: Elin Johnston | Filmmaker: Same
(Noteworthy) Dark ~ Poet: James E Kenward | Filmmaker: Jane Glennie
(Finalist) rig veda ~ Poet: Christina Shah | Filmmaker: Mark Mushet
(WINNER) Close spaces ~ Poet: Kamari Bright | Filmmaker: Same
(Finalist) What is the point ~ Poet: Ishvar Krishnan | Filmmaker: Same
Inundations ~ Poet: Anne Ciecko | Filmmaker: Same
Urban street music ~ Poet: Margo Stutts Toombs | Filmmaker: Same
Canto LXXII ~ Poet: Ezra Pound | Filmmaker: Alfio Leotta
(Finalist) Resume ~ Poet: Dorothy Parker | Filmmaker: Michael Mitchell
She was taken to the madhouse ~ Poet: Désirée Jung | Filmmaker: Same
(Finalist) A thread, unread ~ Poet: Ally Christmas | Filmmaker: Same
A'mantia ~ Poet: Gamze Şanlı | Filmmaker: Same
Netting (2024) ~ Poet: Hanqing Zhao | Filmmaker: Same
The Partisan ~ Poet: Emmanuel d'Astier de La Vigerie | Filmmaker: Walter Haussner
(Finalist) The Climate Change, Volumes: Spring ~ Poet: Travis Truax | Filmmaker: Hugo Sindelar & Andie Madsen
I dream my dream ~ Poet: Monique van Kerkhof | Filmmaker: Same
They've closed the pool ~ Poet: Raphael Seymour/Kay Adshead | Filmmaker: Same
2:00-3:00 PM and 9:00-10:00 PM – Host: Fran Sanders, Festival Director
Audience, poets, filmmakers, curators and presenters are invited to meet together in real time.
12:00-1:00 PM and 7:00-8:00 PM
Know who you are and Know Where You Come From~ Poet: Debra Sparrow | Filmmakers: Madelyne Nowell, Kira Doxtator, Claire Everson, Eva Moulton
What do I remember of the Evacuation ~ Poet: Joy Kogawa | Filmmakers: Cindy Wang, Erin Au, Rohan Samuel
What do I remember of the Evacuation~ Poet: Joy Kogawa | Filmmakers: Sammy Vu, KRIS REYES, Sodam Hong, Poppy Sura
Welcome~ Poet: Sadhu Binning | Filmmakers: Kais Naffa, Bhalinder Singh Oberoi, Ishmael Togi, Minh Truong
Contrasts~ Poet: Donna Seto | Filmmakers: Brian Baldueza, Wilson Pham, Nanop Yansomboon
Contrasts ~ Poet: Donna Seto | Filmmakers: Aranza Berges Navarrete, Alycia Chan, Ryah King, Ky Milliken, Yije Park, Yuna Shin, Chloe Worrall-Yu
Near commercial ~ Poet: Harper Campbell | Filmmakers: Saskia Downard, Anika Kuban, Emily Martinez
This was meant to be for Nora ~ Poet: Junie Desil | Filmmakers: Deanne Angelina Emery, Carola Campa Garcia, Luna Davies, Emilio Terrazas Rocha, Rachel Christina Kearney, Lingjun Mi, Mingyang Pan
This was meant to be for Nora~ Poet: Junie Desil | Filmmakers: Joanne Kim, Yenan Huang, Dongmei Han, Hanako Oba
Alma ~ Poet: Sandra Bruneau | Filmmakers: Ton Nu Sao Khue, Valerie Ni Shun
Postcard Home from English Bay ~ Poet: Alex Leslie | Filmmakers: Alexis Lee, Van Mai, Erin Teply
Postcard Home from English Bay ~ Poet: Alex Leslie | Filmmakers: Zak Zastera, Jonathon Newman, Alyssa Umbal, Russell Yuen
1:00-2:00 PM and 8:00-9:00 PM
Acer~ Poet: Sue Fahy | Filmmaker: Kathryn L Darnell
One last step~ Poet: Sara Zacchi | Filmmaker: Enrico Marcolongo
(Finalist) A Red Negligee in a White Vanity~ Poet: Lani O'Hanlon | Filmmaker: Fiona Aryan
(WINNER) Absolut~ Poet: Caroline Rumley | Filmmaker: Same
Observer~ Poet: Ana Pantic | Filmmaker: Same
This isn't a requiem, it's a séance~ Poet: Ryan Schwenn | Filmmaker: Same
Hiding Place~ Poet: Sami Miranda | Filmmaker: Ellie Walton
(Noteworthy) Miramis~ Poet: Angie Siveria | Filmmaker: Angie Siveria/Oskar Schuster
The Perfect Dream~ Poet: Guy Holling | Filmmaker: Same
My beloved, grey haired~ Poet: Anastasiia Kirii | Filmmaker: Same
(Noteworthy) Magic~ Poet: Carlos Andrés Gómez | Filmmaker: Brent Shuttleworth
Loch Allua~ Poet: Helen Mort | Filmmaker: Hermione Poppy Morris/Alfie Sylvester
form~ Poet: Adam E. Stone | Filmmaker: Same
Contentment, For those Who Are~ Poet: Sally Mamdouh Rawhey | Filmmaker: Same
Soliloquy of an Ice Queen~ Poet: Lizz aka Lysz Flo Florival | Filmmaker: Bryan Ward
Between Here and There~ Poet: Daniel H. Dugas | Filmmaker: Same
Growth~ Poet: Douglas Seth RIdloff | Filmmaker: Same
(Noteworthy) Reclaiming my voice~ Poet: Lee Campbell | Filmmaker: Same
Common raven (Corvux corax)~ Poet: Kim Trainor | Filmmaker: Same
(Finalist) The Gone Missing~ Poet: Joseph Aversano | Filmmaker: Janet Lees
Vodnik Many Years after the Rain~ Poet: Emma Penaz Eisner/Karel Jaromír Erben | Filmmaker: Emma Penaz Eisner
2:00-3:00 PM and 9:00-10:00 PM – Host: Fran Sanders, Festival Director
Audience, poets, filmmakers, curators and presenters are invited to meet together in real time.
12:00-1:00 PM and 7:00-8:00 PM
1:00-2:00 PM and 8:00-9:00 PM
Doubt ~ Poet: Danielle Caden Duelen | Filmmaker: Ly Bolia
Lazarus cloth ~ Poet: Margo Stutts Toombs | Filmmaker: Same
It Fell ~ Poet: Kevin McLellan | Filmmaker: Same
Table for One (subtitles) ~ Poet: Carol Ann Palomba | Filmmaker: Matt Mullins
Un/Write ~ Poet: Fiona Tinwei Lam | Filmmaker: Fiona Tinwei Lam/Lara Renaud
The Facts ~ Poet: Chris Bernstorf/Amanda Bernstorf | Filmmaker: Same
Cameras are clocks for seeing ~ Poet: Chelsea Werner-Jatzke/Roland Barthes | Filmmaker: Chelsea Werner-Jatzke
The Realm of The Less ~ Poet: Elin Johnston | Filmmaker: Same
Positive Thinking with English ~ Poet: Alexis Krasilovsky | Filmmaker: Same
Karma ~ Poet: Ishvar Krishnan | Filmmaker: Same
The Racist Bone ~ Poet: Cornelius Eady | Filmmaker: Matthew Thompson
how to outline grief ~ Poet: Kym McDaniel | Filmmaker: Same
To Expire ~ Poet: Christodoulos Pouroutos | Filmmaker: George Merabishvili
The Fall of Lilith ~ Poet: Tova Beck-Friedman | Filmmaker: Same
Zhuyka (CUD) ~ Poet: Anne Ciecko | Filmmaker: Same
Making an Orchard* ~ Poet: Maeve O'Hair | Filmmaker: Same
unwavering/unfettered ~ Poet: Rana San | Filmmaker: Same
(Noteworthy) God's Favour, Anne ~ Poet: Sally Bayley | Filmmaker: Suzie Hanna
The Missing Book ~ Poet: Greg Roensch | Filmmaker: Greg Roensch/Nico Sotomayor
* From Co. Tipperary, Maeve O'Hair intended to come to Houston this year for REELpoetry.
A talented poetry practitioner and filmmaker, she sadly succumbed to a 9 year struggle with cancer at the age of 59 a week before the Festival began.
She will be missed by many.
2:00-3:00 PM and 9:00-10:00 PM – Host: Fran Sanders, Festival Director
Audience, poets, filmmakers, curators and presenters are invited to meet together in real time.
12:00-5:00 PM Cast your ballot for your favorite Juried Screening
1:00-2:00 PM and 7:30-8:30 PM
Deaf Poets: Peter Cook, Sabina England, Douglas Ridloff, Crom Saunders
2:00-3:00 PM and 8:30-9:30 PM – Host: Fran Sanders, Festival Director
Audience, poets, filmmakers, curators and presenters are invited to meet together in real time.
2:00-3:00 PM - Odveig Klyve & Bjørn Gulbrandsen (Norway)
Poetry is not iron. ~ Poet: Rati Saxena | Filmmaker: Same
Washing clothes ~ Poet: Rati Saxena | Filmmaker: Same
The Moon in the plate of hunger ~ Poet: Rati Saxena | Filmmaker: Same
Cycle ~ Poet: Rati Saxena | Filmmaker: Same
Towards the market too ~ Poet: Kunwar Narain | Filmmaker: Same
Whoever wants ~ Poet: Margus Lattik | Filmmaker: Same
Letters ~ Poet: Yesim Agaoglu | Filmmaker: Same
Language ~ Poet: Amir Or | Filmmaker: Same
Embrace ~ Poet: Mansur Rajih | Filmmaker: Same
Hero ~ Poet: Mansur Rajih | Filmmaker: Same
Loneliness ~ Poet: Manal Al-Sheikh | Filmmaker: Same
A Feather ~ Poet: Safaa Alwan | Filmmaker: Same
Song of Nagaland ~ Poet: Easterine Kire | Filmmaker: Same
Don’t come to my dreams with guns ~ Poet: Asieh Amini | Filmmaker: Same
Premiere ~ Poet: Asieh Amini | Filmmaker: Same
Somewhere my heart ~ Poet: Edith Södergran | Filmmaker: Same
Immigrants ~ Poet: Aracelli Moncilla Zayas | Filmmaker: Same
Pane ~ Poet: Odveig Klyve | Filmmaker: Same
Does your hand shake, Vladimir ~ Poets: Odveig Klyve & Bjørn Gulbrandsen | Filmmakers: Same
I Didn't Die That Day
3:00-4:00 PM + Film and discussion with Helen Dewbery (UK)
Poet: Chaucer Cameron | Filmmaker: Helen Dewbery
ASL Poetry Performance
4:30-5:30 PM by Douglas Ridloff + Deaf Slam
Best of Fest (International)
5:30-6:30 PM - Screening, Winning and Honorable mentions of poetry films and videos.
Changing the World One Poem at a Time (Texas edition)
2:00-3:15 PM
Poem with Human Intelligence~ Poet: J. Estanislao Lopez| Filmmaker: Pamela Falkenberg & Jack Cochran
Moon Over Gaza ~ Poet: Naomi Shihab Nye | Filmmaker: Pamela Falkenberg & Jack Cochran
Migrations ~ Poet: Robin Davidson | Filmmaker: Pamela Falkenberg & Jack Cochran
In Texas We Pop Prayers Like Pills ~ Poet: Aris Kian Brown | Filmmaker: Pamela Falkenberg & Jack Cochran
When I Hear They Want to Let Teachers Carry Guns ~ Poet: Lupe Mendez | Filmmaker: Pamela Falkenberg & Jack Cochran
Best of ZEBRA
3:15-4:00 PM
Emmett (til de remix) ~ Poet: Avery R. Young | Filmmaker: Masahiro Sugano
Exodus ~ Poet: Dean Bowen | Filmmaker: Guido F.G. Jeurissen
Shallow Vein ~ Poet: Marin Bodakov | Filmmaker: Yoana Alexandrova
Spomenik III: Eyebombs ~ Poet: Simon Barraclough | Filmmaker: Jack Wake-Walker
Magutny Bozha. Prayer For Belarus ~ Poet: Natalla Arsieńnieva | Filmmaker: Yulia Ruditskaya
Lesbian. ~ Poet: Lisa Luxx | Filmmaker: Rosemary Baker
Un Corpo ~ Poet: Milena Tipaldo | Filmmaker: Milena Tipaldo
sentences ~ Poet: Cia Rinne | Filmmaker: Cia Rinne
(Noteworthy) The Torrid Zone ~ Poet: Tania Haberland | Filmmaker: Carine Iriarte
Fitzgerald & Rimini – D Frou Bovary de Porrentruy ~ Poet: Ariane von Grafenried | Filmmaker: Yannick Mosimann
Location / Houston(Houston, TX)
4:30-5:30 PM
The Case for the Sun, The Wind, and the Oak Trees~ Poet: Saba Husain | Filmmaker: Michael Brims
Iridescence ~ Poet: Joshua Burton | Filmmaker: Abdurrahman Danquah
He Splits his Time Between Jupiter and Rome ~ Poet: Marshall Woodward | Filmmaker: Comfort Abiodun
Scarring Fields ~ Poet: Chankrisna Tea | Filmmaker: Rafael Elorza
I Bear Witness’ ~ Poet: Raneem Bakir Alia | Filmmaker: Julia Barbosa Landois
Sufi Poetry in American Sign Language and Dance
5:30-5:50 PM
Moon & Sun~ Poet: Kabir (India, 1398-1518 CE); | Filmmaker: Sabina England
Fire Poem ~ Poet: Mahsati Ganjavi (Azerbaijan, 1089-1159 CE); | Filmmaker: Sabina England
Water Poem ~ Poet: Jalaluddin Rumi | Filmmaker: Sabina England
Air Poem ~ Poet: Sabina England (India/UK, current) | Filmmaker: Same
Earth Poem ~ Poet: Sabina England (India/UK, current) | Filmmaker: Same
5:30-6:10 PM